I first came to learn about UVP from an internship information session that was organised at Kyambogo University – I was completing my studies at the time. In fact, I was part of the team that organised the amazing information session because I was an active student leader. Through this first encounter with UVP, I was able to learn more about their programs and I was inspired to apply for the 2018 internship cohort as a Team Leader.
There are too many amazing memories from my time working with UVP to recount here – like bonding with intern teams in Jinja, working with my amazing co-internship coordinator, milkshakes at Musana Sol View Restaurant, or the many days I spent in the community, following up with families to ensure they were using mosquito nets correctly or training individuals to make and use Tippy Taps to promote good handwashing practice. Seeing a family using mosquito nets to protect everyone from malaria and a Tippy Tap to wash up was amazing. Even during Covid-19, with movement restrictions and a full pause of big community gatherings, we were still able to travel house-to-house to ensure we reached community members in need.
While I have since moved on from UVP and I now work with Evidence Action, UVP will always hold a special place in my heart. I learned about myself, I formed lasting friendships, and I helped increase access to better health for so many community members.
Congratulations to UVP for reaching their 20th Anniversary! Keep up the great work!