Six years ago, Nulu went into labor with her second child. Unable to afford transportation to a hospital, she opted to deliver with a Traditional Birth Attendant. She lost her baby after laboring for three days without proper medical attention. To make matters worse, a fistula (hole) opened between her bladder and vagina.
Nulu became isolated from her family and religion due to the stigma associated with incontinence. With her condition, it was also difficult to earn enough money to support herself and her daughter.
“My family did not support me, thinking I was a curse. My siblings avoided me. I isolated myself, and I wasn’t allowed to attend mosque prayers,” Nulu stated.
For more than a year, Nulu suffered from this condition. Nulu heard about UVP’s fistula camps from a local church leader, who helped put her in contact with us.
After receiving surgery and extended recovery care—where she learned tailoring skills—she returned home revitalized. Today, Nulu earns money as a tailor and is able to afford her daughter’s school fees.
Now that she’s “dry” (i.e., no longer experiencing incontinence), Nulu explained that her dignity has been restored.
Said Nulu, “People should know that there’s another life after fistula [recovery]!”