At St. Margaret Secondary School in Nabitende, students have been…

At St. Margaret Secondary School in Nabitende, students have been…
Six years ago, Nulu went into labor with her second…
I first came to learn about UVP from an internship information session that was organised at Kyambogo University – I was completing my studies at the time
“As a result of [my] fistula, I faced stigma, self-isolation,…
Fred and his five children live in a one bedroom house in Buswiga. Their compound, surrounded by plants and a few tall trees, didn’t have a functioning latrine. After a sensitization visit from VHT Betty (trained by UVP), Fred learned that the benefits of building a pit latrine would outweigh the costs. Enhancing his family’s sanitation and hygiene facilities would cost less in the long run, because he could spend far less money on illness-related medical bills. Empowered by this information, Fred decided to build a pit latrine for his family and UVP was there to provide support. Learn more about Fred in a recent blog post, where he shared his story with our team.
At only 18 years old, Doreen has experienced her fair share of hardship: an arranged marriage, challenging labor, a stillborn child, and an obstetric fistula. Feeling lost, she attempted suicide. After learning about UVP and its fistula surgery camps, she started to regain hope. Doreen’s fistula was successfully repaired at Kamuli Mission Hospital, and UVP’s reintegration program played a pivotal role in helping her regain her physical and mental well-being.
At 40 years old, Khisa is always cracking jokes. Sitting outside the fistula ward at St. Anthony’s Hospital in Tororo, she sat down with Loy, UVP’s Assistant Director, to discuss the challenges of living with an obstetric fistula and her long path to healing. Despite her struggle, she hasn’t lost her sense of humor and optimism.
Scovia has received 5 fistula surgeries Scovia is 35 years…
Jackline is 19, and she recently moved from Bulowooza village…
Harriet visits with Edinansi Edinansi and her husband live in…